MACsec (Media Access Control Security)

Robust Point-to-point Security Assured

Enhancing Data Center and Telecom Network Security with MACsec-Supported Platforms

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data center and telecom networking, security vulnerabilities pose significant challenges for businesses and individuals alike. Recognizing these challenges, UfiSpace bolsters data center and telecom network security with ROBUST Point-to-Point solutions.

ddc architecture

Network Protection is Key

Various solutions have been proposed to safeguard data across different network layers, including software-based SSL/TLS and IPsec. In contrast, MACsec stands out as a Data Link Layer (Layer 2) security protocol implemented in hardware. It delivers line-rate data protection, accommodating the demands of high-speed transmission and addressing contemporary security requirements.

Comprehensive Portfolio for Securing Your Network

UfiSpace is committed to open and disaggregated network solutions, with all our platforms capable of providing IPsec through the support of our NOS partners. Additionally, we offer a complete solution with MACsec support, ensuring network security from access, aggregation, core, all the way to the data center. Our offerings include high-speed, low-latency, point-to-point data encryption, identity authentication, and integrity checks, providing a robust shield to protect your network.